Monday, July 12, 2010

Customer Management System - How to Build Customer Relationships

How to Build Customer Relationships

Earning Client Loyalty is about Building a Fan Base

Nov 6, 2008 Cash Justin Miller

The ability to build successful relationships with your customers is integral to building the foundation of your business. As a business owner you should not be looking for the “one and done” sale, instead you want to bring them back for more. For the simple reason that it is always easier to keep a loyal customer than it is to replace them with another. So what are some simple ways that you can go about building strong relationships with your clientele?

You Must Keep in Contact

The absolute best way to build a relationship is to stay in contact with them. Way too often a business will let a customer walk out the door without getting some sort of contact information. A business newsletter whether it is mailed or sent through an email is always a good way to go. Sending out regular deals to your newsletter subscribers is a good way to entice them into providing that contact information and they can pass your newsletter on to a friend if it’s really good.

Know Your Customers

If you already have some repeat business then take the time to get to know them more. Having a relationship that is on a first name basis helps to make customers feel more secure and they may be willing to recommend other people that might be interested in your product or service. Business referrals are often a great way to develop new leads but you won’t get them from people you don’t know.

Follow Up Calls Are Key

Remember your follow up calls. Just because the job is done it doesn’t mean you are. It’s important to make sure that people got what was expected from the products or services they received. Providing a follow up call shows that you value your relationship with them. And no client should be too big or too small to provide a call too.

Make it Personal

As a part of your customer file you should be trying to keep track of their special occasions. Your client will love the fact that you remembered their birthday. So send a card. But make it a bit personal. Don’t just sign your name. Take the time to enclose a short message. Anyone in the office could have signed your name but only you can make it personal. And of course don’t forget the holidays. Each one is a chance to say hi how are you? And those chances shouldn’t be overlooked.

Take Advantage of Opportunities

Building up a good customer relationship is all about taking advantage of opportunities. There are plenty of ways to go about doing just that. These are just some of the more tried and true methods. They have always worked and always will. Consider how it makes you feel that vendor takes the time to remember you. And realize that you are providing that same feeling to a valued customer by doing these types of things yourself.
© 2008 Cash Justin Miller
Read more at Suite101: How to Build Customer Relationships: Earning Client Loyalty is about Building a Fan Base

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