Sunday, July 11, 2010

Customer Management System - Three More Tips To Achieve Customer Loyalty

Three More Tips To Achieve Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is key to business of any size. You put a lot of work in to each paying client. Once you get them, you don't want to let them go. Here are three great tips you can start implementing now.
How Can Being Like a Doctor Win Your Customers Over?
That's easy! Make house calls. Visit your customer whenever you can. Instead of using the phone to call, stop by the office and speak with him or her in person. This is sure to develop customer loyalty.
If there is paper work to deal with, rather than use the mail or a courier, meet for coffee or breakfast. Such face-to-face encounters go a long way to building customer loyalty.
Do your customers live around the country? That's fine. When ever you travel for business and you are somewhere close to a client, make an effort to stop by and visit.
Double Check Your Invoices
We all make mistakes. It is part of being human. But sometimes even honest mistakes can be misinterpreted. One thing you never want to do is over charge a client.
Even if the client really trusts you, this kind of mistake can leave a bad feeling. If it happens more than once with good clients, they may start to wonder. Always double and triple check your invoices.
Some of your customers, especially new ones, will not have yet begun to fully trust you. Over charging them could really turn them off forever. Implement a check system to make sure you never overcharge a client.
Get Skype and Get Your Customers On It
Skype is an online chat and phone service. I use it because it allows me to make phone calls in the States for free and anywhere in the world for less than 2 cents a minute. I have an import business and have clients all over.
Skype also has a chat service. It is a great way to stay in touch with customers. Once they are in your Skype address book, you can see whenever they are online. You can send them just in time updates.
Another good use of Skype is checking up on clients who haven't used your services in a while. Once they are in your address book, they are there forever. You will be able to contact them again.
Customer loyalty doesn't just happen for most. You have to work at it. But the payoff is worth it. That customer will buy from you for life. Follow these strategies and you will be a customer management master.
Get more tips on how to create customer loyaly by contacting
Learn how other companies create a customer service experience that keeps them coming back.

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